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Thermo Nicolet IR200 Spectrometer

Thermo Nicolet IR200 Spectrometer investigation

Requires a custom power brick, multiple pins. Could not find power specifications. Power bricks do not seem to be available.

Laser was removed from this unit. This is a HeNe laser used “provies the reference signal for triggering data collections and measuring the stroke of the moving mirror.”

Dessicant spot indicates that the dessicant was exhausted. Dessicant appears to be a standard pack. Recharged dessicant in 250F oven for three hours. I’ll try to preserve the optics, I may be able to reuse them.

Requires ENCOMPASS or OMNIC software. I was able to find an OMNIC iso. Untested.

“The interferometer window in your spectrometer is made of KRS-5…” KRS-5 is thallium bromoiodide (TlBr-TlI). KRs-5 (TlBr-TlI) is a gorgeous red crystal commonly used for attenuated total reflection prisms for IR spectroscopy. It is also used as an infrared transmission window in gas and liquid sample cells used with FTIR spectrophotometers in place of Potassium Bromide (KBr) or Cesium Iodide (CsI) for analysis of aqueous samples that would attack KBr or CsI optics. It has a wide transmission range and is virtually insoluble in water. It is a useful alternative to AgCl since it is not photo-sensitive and for ATR applications it will transmit well beyond the 18 micron useful range of ZnSe.

Background on FT-IR:
Nicolet brochure

Unit with case removed:

IR mirror on the left. The right side module looks like a detector:

Back of detector module:

Dry optics compartment:

Dry optics compartment:

Laser diode?:

Corner mirror and flat mirror:

Second corner mirror on solenoid:

Nicolet IR100 and Nicolet IR200 User’s Guide
Nicolet 4700 or Nicolet 6700 User’s Guide
OMNIC User’s Guide, v7.4Transport Kit User’s Guide
Also have “OMNIC- for TIR.iso”
Could not find a service manual.

6 Responses to “Thermo Nicolet IR200 Spectrometer”

  1. Sebas Says:


    I have an ir100, same optical bench as yours, except for an extra touchscreen for user interface.
    Your spectrometer has simple power supply requirements; 5V and 12 V; Using the standard DIN-5 pin numbering (clockwise from top-right on female (chassis) side) pins are: 1,4,2,5,3
    1: DC common, 2: DC common, 3: +5VDC , 4: DC common, 5:+12VDC

    Viewing the female connector on the chassis in the back of the instrument (crude ASCII drawing):
    Guide notch——————–U—————-

    from your pictures, your beamsplitter is not KRS-5, but KBr (Potassium bromide) Ge-coated in the center band (silver-ish on reflection and and pink-ish looking through) and 850nm coated on the top and bottom bands.
    Your beamsplitter is EXTREMELY humidity sensitive. Same for the DTGS detector window. If you want to keep the bench in working condition, better make sure to only open the interferometer assembly under dry atmosphere (<50% RH or less).

    Mine has a dead beamsplitter… humidity ruined it. It is also missing the two laser filters yours has. Let me know how your project goes. I may ask you for some pictures of the interferometer assembly later.

  2. admin Says:

    Thanks for the advice. I realize it is sensitive. It looks like it sat in storage before I got hold of it. I’ll try powering it up and post pics.

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