Links for February 2025
February 5th, 2025101 American Fossil Sites You’ve Gotta See by Albert B Dickas
101 American Fossil Sites You’ve Gotta See by Albert B Dickas
Book to read: The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn by Richard Hamming. Known for Hamming codes (checksums).
Since males had dominated these professions for centuries, you would think they would leave slowly, hesitantly or maybe linger at 40%, 35%, 30%, but that’s not what happens. Once the tipping point reaches majority female- the men flee. And boy do they flee!
Why aren’t we talking about the real reason male college enrollment is dropping? by Celeste Davis
It’s a slippery slope. When the number of women hits 60% the men who are there make a swift exit and other men stop joining.
Book to read: Much Ado About Numbers: Shakespeare’s Mathematical Life and Times by Rob Eastaway
Book to read: ‘Secrets of Automata – Ingenious designs for mechanical life’ by Michael Start of The House of Automata.
Making A Mechanical Watch From Scratch Is Fine Work
Tom’s Watchmaking Blog
Hobby CNC machining and resin casting
Part 01 of 03 – An Introduction to the Series 2 Movement
3D printed lens grinding machine by Von Fraens, link.
3D printed sphere machine by Von Fraens, link.
Shodan – search engine for Internet-connected devices.
Trump was a bad President, 1st term.
Glossary for The Sun Also Rises, wikipedia book link.
AI achieves silver-medal standard solving International Mathematical Olympiad problems
Peabody museum at Harvard: Blaschka flowers / sea creatures
Peabody Essex Museum in Salem
Toledo Museum of Art in Ohio
Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Virginia
Barry Museum of Art and Glass Light Hotel, Norfolk, Virginia
Veste Coburg/Rosenau for modern glass art (
Museum für Glaskunst Lauscha: lampwork / prosthetic glass eyes (
Glass museum Riihimäki: Finnish midcentury (
Habatat, Michigan
Heller gallery, NYC
Habitat Gallery, Florida
Hawk gallery, Columbus, Ohio
How responsible is the CEO of health insurance company for the death and suffering caused by the company? Use this handy formula to find out:
deaths x fraction for which the CEO is responsible
Being a corporation, responsibility is best assessed by money. Let’s split responsibility for a company between the management and major shareholders. So here the the formula”
“excess deaths caused by company” x (“CEO salary” / “sum of C-suite salaries” + (“shares owned by CEO” / (“shares owned by major shareholders”) / 2
Free/open-source sites for the preparation of scientific illustrations:,,,,,
History for GRANITE. Exploring the pyramids of Ancient Egypt
Jan 6 Capital attack video, link.
Process your own JWST images at home
In Five Years, Chicago Has Barely Made Progress on Its Court-Ordered Police Reforms. Here’s Why. by Heather Cherone, WTTW News, and Vernal Coleman, ProPublica.
How an Interracial Marriage Sparked One of the Most Scandalous Trials of the Roaring Twenties
Malcolm Gladwell. “Malcolm Gladwell began as a college right-wing Reagan supporter, was trained by the tobacco-funded far-right National Journalism Center, and throughout his career has inserted pro-tobacco, pro-banking industry and pro-PHARMA messages into his books and articles.”
Kveik. A family of strains of brewing yeast that has been used in Norwegian farmhouse brewing for generations.
STORM. Wikipedia-like report on your topic with AI
Project 2025 Annotation: A Summary
Bezos, Trump, and the Failure of Democracy. We are witnessing a watershed moment. Democracy is failing because the rule of law has been broken. And everyone is about to realize it. All at once.
FDA Publishes Final Rule on Laboratory-Developed Test (LDT) Regulation
“Laboratories must then submit a premarket approval application or a 510(k) submission to the FDA, including evidence of the test’s clinical validity and utility.”
CJ Cherryh, Alliance-Union book timeline, link2
A Q&A with David Neiwert, America’s foremost writer and thinker on far-right extremism, on what might happen if Trump wins—or loses. by Rick Perlstein
Free and OpenSource Photo Libraries comparison
Many developers + multiuser support: Immich, Librephotos. Immich had multiuser tagging support.
Neither Elon Musk Nor Anybody Else Will Ever Colonize Mars by Albert Burneko
Millennials, Gen Xers lead jump in “religiously unaffiliated”, survey
The Charlottesville Hoax Hoax by David Corn
AP Anatomy and Physiology course plan (source unclear)
Making Meaningful Difference: A Q&A with Philanthropist Laura Gutierrez
How many helium balloons to lift a person? 39 weather balloons, link
The psychology of conspiracy theory believers, linked article.
HPV vaccine study finds zero cases of cervical cancer among women vaccinated before age 14
Fresnel Lens Manufacturing – 2018 Michigan Lighthouse Alliance Conference
Butterflies fly using efficient propulsive clap mechanism owing to flexible wings
Fast Fresnel Hack Embiggens The Smallest Of Heads
Louis Wain “A Kittens’ Christmas Party”
Cats, Cats, Cats! The Incredible Life & Art of Louis Wain
Original Catfluencer: How a Victorian Artist’s Feline Fixation Gave Us the Internet Cat
How Colorful Ribbon Diagrams Became the Face of Proteins (Jane Richardson)
Say It to My Face. How Democrats learned to tell the plain truth and like it by Rick Perlstein
SF writer M. John Harrison. Nova Swing (2006)