True's beaked whale.jpg

Western spotted skunk

Hooded skunk

Yellow-throated Marten


Glass slump 1

Two test pieces. One a 10 cm square, the other a 12 cm square. For both, arranged 3 mm colored pieces over a 3 mm clear base, filled in gaps with medium clear frit. Tacked down the larger pieces with craft glue. COE 90.

300F 60′
600F 60′
900F 60′
1000F 35′
1480F 60′
960F 60′
800F 60′

Cleaned up frit that had fallen off and stuck to the edges with a Dremel.

Slump smaller square over a 10 cm bowl. Drape larger square over a 10 cm bowl upside down suspended on two small posts. Put kiln paper over the bowls to prevent sticking.

300F 60′
600F 60′
900F 60′
1000F 40′
1250F 40′
960F 120′
880F 24′
800F 24′

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