True's beaked whale.jpg

Western spotted skunk

Hooded skunk

Yellow-throated Marten


Archive for June, 2019

Links for June 2019

Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

Larotrectinib approved for the treatment of metastatic solid tumors with NTRK fusion (inhibitor of TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC).

1 in 5 Cops Had Posted Racist, Violent Content on Facebook

Reminder of a what a shit human Dinesh D’Souza’s is

The Wonderful World of Free Market Drugs by Dean Baker

China Miéville’s rejected Iron Man pitch

Genetic changes to improve humans from George Church’s lab

cǎonímǎ 草泥马 Grass-mud horse tank man. Mascot of Chinese netizens fighting for free expression, symbolizing defiance of Internet censorship.

A teachable moment in why Uber/Lyft can never replace public transportation. That Uber was oblivious enough for this self-goal explains why their stock will soon be worth less than monopoly money. link

Trove of leaks show that Brazil’s “anti-corruption” task force was secretly trying to oust Lula and install a far-right strongman